Wednesday, December 2, 2009

New Milestones

These little apple seek is growing so fast!  Today, Vera started "giving" things to us.  When we prompt her with "Vera, can you give Papa the block?"  She smiles and offers it.  Then we call clap and laugh!  She loves it.  I have a feeling I'm going to be offered all kinds of random objects in the days to come :)
V seems more confident in her communication skills.  She's been mimicking a lot of gestures, from clap-clap-clap-"pray" (intertwine fingers) to "up up" (pointing toward the ceiling) when she wants to be liberated from some place.  We're waiting for her to start saying new syllables beyond da-da, ma-ma, nein-nein, pa-pa, da-dy.  I love how when she's frustrated sometimes, she lets out a big GAAAAH!  hahahaha.  It seems like she had more vowels in her between 3-6 months, but that was probably not conscious on her part.  At 3 months, we could have sworn that she imitated the sounds for "I LOVE you" several times.  No matter; we're just so excited about communicating with her in greater depths!  

I'm so busy these days, I need to write a blog about the blogs I want to write!

I'd like to blog about our family's experience filming the Operation Christmas Child video and meeting Franklin Graham.

I'd like to blog about developments in our marriage.  

I wanted to start writing some reflections and meditations on Scripture readings.

I'd like to blog about all the cool new online resources I've been using - including the free MP3 downloads available from Amazon!  

But first, need to get through V's 1st Bday, Christmas shopping and moving house...all of which I'll probably want to blog about.  Gaaaah!  Blog backlog!

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