Thursday, November 26, 2009

I Rocked the Day!

I don't hear about this happening very often, but IT ACTUALLY HAPPENED TO ME!!!  Everything just click, click, clicked into place today!  Get a load of this:

Wake up.  Vera's a morning person as usual.  We get ready, load the car, and arrive at Gma/Gpa's by 8:30AM.  The driver's side rear tire has been leaking air for the past two days, and I was wondering how far I would get on it.  We made it, and the Mazda dealership right by the house agreed to take it in by 9 and have it done by 10AM.  

By 10:10AM, Vera, Gma and I were cruising to get V her H1n1 vaccine, which I had been unable to find anywhere until I just happened to mention it to a friend of a friend at a toy swap (more about that later).  A random pediatric office in Ladera Ranch has them stocked and is giving them out to the community!  By 11:30AM, we were headed north for lunch at a low key but yummy noodle and small eats place with V's grandparents.  

By 1:00PM, I had already called and faxed our mortgage company, thus completing the paperwork for our loan mod.  I even had five minutes to sit in the car and contemplate how much I admire cattails.  Tangent alert.  Last night, I read an article in Redbook Mag about self-reflection, and one of the pointers was to think about the people to whom you are grateful as a clue into what you may want to become.  Well, I decided today, while sitting in the car waiting for V to wake up from her nap, that I wanted to be like a cattail.  They're beautiful in a very natural way, not painted ladies, not loud, not huge/not tiny.  They just are what they are.  If you think about it, they're kind of funny looking, all fuzzy and brownish-purple, but they communicate simplicity and grace and beauty all the same.  I like how their fuzziness kind of filters sunlight and plays with it.  I'd like to be that way God's light.  I enjoy their flexibility, how they sway and dance with the breezes.  Finally, I like how they like one another.  I've never seen a solitary cattail.  In fact, that would probably not be very attractive.  But a nice, big healthy outcropping of cattails provides solace and mirth in the middle of the day.  Take note: Luan would like to grow in cattail-ness.

After Vera woke up, we went  back into Gma/Gpa's house, and she bonded with them while I ran some errands.  Gas, bank and then off to the City of Anaheim to pull a building permit for our loft addition.  The plans were approved on Monday, and I had to sign some paperwork and pay the fee before we can start demo at the house.  I've not a huge fan of government buildings, and the wait at the Bldg. Dept. counter was more than an hour.  The sterile environment, the lack of ventilation, the tedium (forgot to bring interesting reading), the questionable customer service, made me associate it with prison.  I'm sure prison is far far worse than a well run Building Dept. in a large city; I'm just spoiled.   Anyway, the permit thing had to be done, and it got done.  I was glad to be out of there.  

Got back to Gma/Gpa's at 4:30PM, and found my lovey taking her afternoon nap.  I got to curl up next to her for a good hour's nap.  Drove home at 6PM with dinner from Gma in the backseat and a clean load of laundry (our washer is broken; a new one's on its way).  My man had just arrived home as well, and the three of us had our usual dinner with updates.  I told Mike that Vera is now signing "more" and "ball", but she does both the signs by clapping her hands...which looks exactly like...clapping her hands.  So... not sure if we made any progress on that front :) 

After dinner, Dad and Vera got some bonding time, while I went off to Target to pick up my prescription and do some shopping.  As per the general blessedness of the day, my doctor had faithfully called in my Synthroid (good thing, because I had taken the last one in the morning and tomorrow is Turkey Day), and I ended up spending $30 on $60 of necessities.  I'm especially proud of this deal I put together for Nivea products.  I had a coupon for B1G1 Nivea Q10 Lip Therapy.  I stacked that with a $1 off Nivea Target coupon.  On top of that, I had another coupon that said that if I buy three Nivea Lip Therapy products, I'd get a free 13.5oz full size Nivea Body Lotion.  The bonus is that I'd already been using Nivea Q10 Lip Therapy, and it's great product.  In the end, I got $20 worth of Nivea products for $5.50.   Be on the look out for deals like that!  If you see a lot of different coupons for a single product line, clip them all, and chances are that you're about to get a great deal!  

After Target, I was onto church at 8:15PM.  Our family is part of a care team for two missionary friends in Costa Rica, and the team is putting on a tamale sale to bolster their finances (that is my kind of sale).  Sales start on Saturday, but we will be in San Francisco, and my task was to decorate the info board.  I got the Cricut out and started making die-cuts.  Everything was up, I'm happy with how it turned out, and I was home by 10PM.  Phew!  What a day! Glad that tomorrow will be more celebrating and less about work!  Although I would not and could not do this everyday, I'm so thankful for my full and varied life, and everyone in it.  Thanks, dear Lord, for blessing me with favor, efficiency, insight and love today!  Love You.

1 comment:

LifeWithPsi said...

Hey! That sounds like a super productive and SMOOTH day =)