Monday, November 23, 2009

Thankful List: Monday

It's Thanksgiving week, so I'm going to list ten things I'm thankful for every day this week (we'll see how consistent I can be):

1. The sound of Vera's hearty laugh.  Most wonderful sound ever!
2. Mike's steadfast heart. 

3. My neighborhood - reflects a dedicated group of individuals.
4. My church body - sweet fellowship that melts away all anxiety.
5. The fact that we really can make a difference in this life.  That there are lessons to be learned.  That we were designed to contribute to this world.  That there really is meaning and purpose. 
6. Tamales - especially the green kind with chicken.
7. Being able to stay home for my daughter's first year and enjoy her friendship.
8. Skype - lets me stay close to my parents; allows us to converse with our missionaries.
9. The message of the Christian Gospel.  Truth, grace and consequences.
10. Cattails - one of my favorite plants to look at :)

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