Friday, September 25, 2009

My Birthday Card

I really love the birthday card that my mom sent me this year (bday isn't until Oct. but Mom will be in Asia then).  It says:

"For your birthday, I wish you the confidence to begin this year as you would open a gift, certain that it holds something special just for you."...Confidence and faith!  That what I need in spades!

"I wish you strong trust in yourself and faith in the future, the belief that you will make the right choices to bring you closer to the happiness you deserve."...In God's will! Sounds like a self-help book but people with OCD, like me, really need to hear and believe this

"I wish you friends to surround you in the circle of their caring and love, and people to help you laugh at life."...This has already come true.  I have been blessed with TONS of these people! Thank you!

"Most of all, I wish you could see the beautiful woman I see when I look at you -- the remarkable irreplaceable person who adds so much to so many lives."...WOW! Thanks, MOM!!!  That means so much coming from you!  You always know just what I need to hear.

I think these will be my birthday wishes and thoughts for all of you this year!   But really, I'll be praying these things for you...what good does it do to wish for things anyway if you don't ask the One who can provide?

Love you each!

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